Jubrail Dahabreh
Thoracic Surgeon, MD PhD, FETCS

I was born in Jordan in 1954. In 1972, after attending the Greek Language at the School of Philosophy, at the Aristotelion University in Thessalonica, for one year, I enrolled in the School of Medicine of the Aristotelio University of Thessalonica.
I acquired the degree of Medical School with grade “Very Good” and then I started my training in General Surgery at the Polyclinic of Athens and then in Thoracic Surgery at “Evangelismos” General Hospital. In 1986 I acquired the Greek Nationality and I served on the Greek Army, “Sanitary Armed Forces”, for one year. In March 1987 I obtained my degree in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Speciality. I worked at Athens Medical Center for a short period and then in November 1987, I was appointed as a Senior Registrar at Sismanoglio General Hospital.
In 1989 I acquired my PhD from the School of Medicine of Athens University and my dissertation received grade “Excellent". The same year I was elected in the same clinic where I had been working as a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon.
In 1990 and 1993 I attended special thoracic surgery techniques at Royal Brompton Hospital of London where Mr. Peter Goldstraw was a Chief Director of the Thoracic Surgery Department on a post – graduate basis. Also in 1993, at the same time I spent three (3) months at Harefield Hospital, where I observed lung and heart transplantation under the supervision of Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub.
In 1995 I was elected Director of the Thoracic Surgery Department in “Agios Savvas” Anticancer General Hospital, while in 1999 I was elected for the same post at “Sismanoglio” General Hospital.
In 2001 I resigned from my post in the Greek National Health System and I have been working as a freelance Thoracic Surgeon since 17th January, being the Director of the Thoracic Surgery Department at the Athens Medical Centre.


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